Member services
Report a broken boat
Please provide the name of the boat and details of the repairs needed.
You’ll be redirected to the Club contact page to allow you to email ‘Report a broken boat’. Thanks for reporting.
Coachs’ Corner
Masters’ Ergo Program – Updated for 2022-2023
Vaughn Bollen has developed an ergo program specifically for the TRC masters (men and women). Here are the documents providing the ergo details and expected intensity levels. Click the following links to see the details.
Volunteer to help with boat maintenance
Be a part of your boat club by helping to maintain the fleet. Typical maintenance tasks will be:
- Checking, tightening, greasing, replacing parts such as wheels, rails, bolts, stretchers, etc
- Repairs to the hull
- Sorting out spares
Thank you for agreeing to help with our boat maintenance
Please fill out your details, select the date(s) you are available and then click Send
This information will be sent to our Maintenance Officer at “brokenboat” who will contact you and advise you of any further details.